The Charming Bastard By Whenthedarkfalls Chapter 26



Dear Sydney,

Hello Sydney dear, how are you? I hope and know that you are better, my daughter. Firstly, I must ask you that, please do not tear this letter, read it and then you can forget each and everything.

Sydney, you may call me a coward for me not talking to you, literally and penning my thoughts down and giving them to you. But then again, a man who has inflicted so much brutal torments on his daughter is everything but a coward.

Dearie, I am not worthy of your forgiveness, I actually am not worthy of having this life too. Here, I am just going to open up about… me and your mother.

Your mother, was the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes upon. She was such a beauty and such a fierce animal that could have never been reigned in. That’s what made me fall for her. I on the other hand, was a boy coming from an average household and not quite that ambitious but to just live the moment. That’s what made your mother fall for me, hard. We dated for a few years and then got married. And then you, my little angel, you were born. Things were going perfect until your mother’s last few years.

It was when you were six, that I came to know that your mother had been cheating on me. It had been going on for quiet a while and all. I just couldn’t bear the anguish and the sorrow, I had given Sarah, (A/n: SARAH IS SID’S MOTHER) all my love and devoted all my life to her yet she had misled me. Then we got to know of her cancer, times were pretty rough then. I had to work on three jobs simultaneously to work out the bills.

Your mother hadn’t known that I knew of her affair. She was becoming more distant and numb, following the days of her illness. I couldn’t have the power to confront her. Then one day, I caught them both. It had broken my heart, she had said that she loved him. I let all my anger that had bottled up inside me on that guy. We fought until the nurses came and took us both away. Your mother had cried the whole night and the emotional stress had caused her health to degrade. I felt that it was all my fault.

The following days, our communication had been minute. I didn’t see that guy again. A month later, the doctors said that they had lost all hope, the chemotherapy didn’t work on her. That day (it was your birthday eve), your mother called me and we talked for a while, heart-to-heart. She said that she didn’t want to endure any more torture and that she had to let go. I cried on her lap, the whole night. I was broken and shattered inside. That night she told me, that her final wish was to see us together, despite of all our differences, happy and together. That is why we celebrated your birth day in the hospital, dear. The next week,as you know, she passed away.

Unknowingly, she had taken a piece of me. There was no one now, to support me, and our financial situations were running low too. I broke whatever bank accounts I had, for your education and then ran into many debts. The night when I first hit you, I couldn’t forgive myself, I wasn’t myself anymore. I drank and ran into a bad lot that night. This then continued, following days, I became someone who wasn’t me. And then we shifted.

Rest you know. But, I just want to tell you that daughter, though you may remember be as a terrible monster or devil or try to forget me, I will always love you. I know that you will never forgive me and hate me, but that’s what I had made you become of me. I know I have made a mistake…No…what I did was an appalling crime, but just know that though I am unworthy of forgiveness, I will always seek it.

You won’t be hearing from me after this. I got out from the rehab, but I am going somewhere, much distant and away, perhaps to find your mother and finally join her. I wish you a happy life, where you may have challenges but no sorrows.

Remember, I love you.


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