An Arrange Marriage That Went Wrong Chapter 11

Chapter 11 “This may not feel right, but I assure you you’re doing the right thing,” Mr. Jonathan Wealth said to his son.

Archer wealth nodded and stared through the window of his carriage ahead of the road. He wished he was returning home from the dinner. He couldn’t wait for it to be over with even though it hasn’t started yet, and he hasn’t met the strange female he was arranged to be wedded with. He knew he will never love her for he didn’t believe in love after what his mother did to him and his father. She left his father for another man after everything he had done for her, and he left him and his sibling not caring about them. He thought of her as nothing as the worst mother and the worst wife.

Meeting his arranged wife, Archer thought of it as just a business meeting. He was only marrying her to bear his children that was all. He wasn’t going to change his life for her so she could ruin his life just like what his mother did to his father. After they wedded, he planned to get her pregnant and travel as often as he could until it was time to returned to see his firstborn.

“Did you carry the ring?” Archer asked his father.

“Yes,” answered Mr. Jonathan pulling it out from his pocket.

It was a large diamond ring that once belong to his heartless mother. When Mr. Jonathan found out that his wife was cheating on him and was planning to leave him. He took his ring from her. He felt she didn’t deserve it for he bought it out of love and so he saved it for his last son that is Archer Wealth for when he’s to be married.

Archer took the ring and placed it into his pocket not caring to look at it, to see how it once look.

“Have you planned how you’ll propose to her this evening?” inquired his father curiously, hoping everything will go well. “Yes, but if she’s unattractive I’m not marrying her,” Mr. Archer told his father.

“Well, let’s hope she isn’t,” his father retorted.

“Are we almost there?” Archer asked his father eager for the day to be done with.

“Yes, we are.”

Paris grew tired of sitting by the window, she got up to straighten her feet, after she was through, she went to move her small chair from the window back to where it belonged, quickly she hid surprisingly behind her curtain, seeing a strange black carriage arriving before her house. Her hand slowly moved to her mouth, and she began to bite her nail nervously knowing it was her arranged-to-be husband and his father within the carriage. She stared at the carriage eager to get a glimpse of him. She was anxious to see how he looked. The carriage door opened, and Paris’s heart raced in her chest seeing a man in a full navy-blue suit and a matching tie exiting the carriage. He was a fine good-looking man for his age, but Paris knew he was just the stranger he was arranged to be married to, father. Paris’s eyes were glued to the carriage now anxious to see the man she was arranged to be wedded with. Her hand held the edge of the curtain tightly as she saw a man in a full black suit slowly leaving the carriage. Paris got a glimpse of his face, and immediately she pulled the curtain across the window and run over to the bed.

He’ll never marry me, Paris worried.

The stranger was the most handsome man she as ever seen that she was too shy to even look at him from a distance without him knowing. The first sight of him stayed within her mind so vivid like a picture on a wall. She was now scared to attend the dinner. Paris got up from her bed walking around her room terrified to meet him face to face.

“He’s never going to marry me,” Paris cried.

She couldn’t bear to be rejected once more. Paris quickly changed from her dress into a comfortable one and a boot sneaking out of the house before her mom informed her, she should come downstairs. She successfully managed to elude the large home without being noticed and take off into the hoods. Her head held straight and tear-filled her eyes escaping from being shoved aside by another man, who feels he was too good for her. She slowed down. and went to sit under a tree where she knew no one would find her. It was a secret place of hers, a place where she would go to hide and cry her sad heart out when she used to be bullied at school or treated unfairly because of her physical appearance.

Paris cuddled under the tree sadly waiting for the time to pass, so he could sneak back into her room knowing her mom will truly be angry with her.

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